Flag Field:
Samples (Flag term is in red): %1<%+12.3f(E1-10)>
The flag field is a character that controls justification and output of signs, blanks, decimal points, and octal and hexadecimal prefixes. More than one flag character is allowed.
+, 0 and <space> are the most common choices.
- is not supported by Search and Replace.
%1<% 12.3f(E1-10)> - Subtract 10 from the number found by the first search term, output as 12 wide, space padded, 3 places after decimal.
%1<%+06.2f(E1-10)> - Subtract 10, put + in front of positive numbers or - for negative, output at least 6 wide, pad with 0's.
See Number Format: Flag for more information.